Medical and clinical devices, including rigid and video endoscopes, play a crucial role in providing reliable diagnoses through diagnostic imaging. These devices require precise alignment of mechanical and optical parts, as well as hermetically sealed constructions for sterilization methods like autoclaving. Ensuring pin-sharp images and patient safety demands meticulous care in production.
ALIO Industries offers the Angulares Hybrid Hexapod, specifically designed for such medical applications. This advanced solution enables large XY movement, facilitating seamless shifting of the instrument from one process step to another. With 6-axis movement at each process step, there is no need for manual adjustment or additional robots to handle components. The Angulares Hexapod excels in performance, boasting features such as low friction, minimal particle generation, easy accessibility for cleaning, and unwavering precision. Its highly flexible programming capabilities enable outstanding 4K image quality, even when using small and angled endoscopes, thanks to the unique ranges of the Angulares Hexapod.
Trust ALIO’s Angulares Hybrid Hexapod to enhance the functionality and imaging capabilities of medical and clinical devices. Experience exceptional precision, efficiency, and image quality in diagnostic imaging, ensuring reliable diagnoses and utmost patient safety.
Get in touch with ALIO: Expert solutions for your precision motion control needs