(6th November 2023 Arvada, CO, USA) As industries accelerate into an era defined by nanoscale perfection and micron-level accuracy, for many applications the spotlight falls on the sophisticated configuration of gantries to include advanced features that allow the next level of precision within machine motion control systems. These configurations, once reserved for niche applications, have become the backbone of countless manufacturing processes. From the delicate assembly of semiconductor chips to the precision-driven world of medical diagnostics, getting the motion just right is not merely about quality — it’s about ensuring operational efficiency, reducing costly errors, and, in some sectors, guaranteeing safety. In this precision-focused age, ALIO Industries is leading the way, and has an innate understanding of such configurations, and knows that mastering them isn’t a luxury; it’s an imperative for manufacturers aiming to lead the vanguard of innovation.

A gantry configuration in ultra-precise motion control systems refers to a framework used to dynamically move over a relatively large area or workspace with incredible accuracy. This structure typically comprises linear axes that allow movement in multiple directions — often in the X, Y, and Z planes. Within the realm of ultra-precision, gantry systems are meticulously designed to minimize vibrations, thermal expansions, and other disturbances, ensuring that movements are consistent to the scale of microns or even nanometers, making them essential for tasks like micro-assembly or semiconductor fabrication. Additional rotational (yaw) motion pertains to movement around a vertical axis.

Beyond this traditional addition of further axes, ALIO offers a “Yaw Compliance” option that can be used on its configurable gantry robots contributing to their superior precision and +/- 1.5µm accuracy. The Yaw Compliance option is a virtual rotary axis allowing precise compensation for small angular misalignments that also may be used as an actual rotary axis for small intended angular motions.

Bill Hennessey, President at ALIO says, “There is a reason that customers engage with ALIO as they strive to innovate new manufacturing processes and products. Engaging with a motion control systems supplier like ALIO with a deep understanding of motion challenges is vital due to the inherent demand for precision and accuracy in many applications. Whether in manufacturing, or R&D, accurate multi-dimensional movement is crucial. A supplier well-versed in gantry configurations ensures the system offers consistent and reliable motion. Without such specialized knowledge, the risk of motion discrepancies increases, potentially compromising the application’s success. Also, every application has unique motion requirements, making it imperative to avoid a generic, one-size-fits-all approach. Suppliers like ALIO with in-depth expertise can tailor the design of the motion control system to suit specific application demands. This tailored approach not only enhances system performance but can also offer cost savings by eliminating unnecessary features or over-specifications. An optimized system design further benefits the end user by improving the system’s durability and reducing its maintenance needs over its lifetime.

The rapidly evolving nature of many industries means that machinery and equipment such as ALIO’s must also adapt and evolve. The company’s robust understanding of sophisticated configuration of gantries makes it better positioned to anticipate and adapt to future challenges and trends. This adaptability ensures the supplied motion control systems remain relevant and can be updated or modified as demands change, maximizing their usable lifespan and providing a more substantial return on investment for the end user.

In ultra-precise applications, the specifications of gantries are meticulously adapted to suit each task’s unique demands. The scale and reach of the gantry can differ significantly, with some applications necessitating compact, intricate setups, while others might require larger but equally precise systems. Meanwhile, yaw control can vary in its granularity and accuracy. The degree and precision of yaw adjustments needed can be influenced by the intricacies of the task at hand. Tailoring these configurations ensures that every application can meet its distinct precision benchmarks, and ALIO’s Yaw Compliance option contributes greatly to the exacting precision that can be achieved.

Hennessey concludes, “Working with a motion control supplier that lacks a comprehensive understanding of gantries and the addition of further motion axes can lead to significant challenges. Such oversight can result in systems that fail to deliver the required precision and accuracy, potentially causing production inconsistencies or product defects. The inefficiencies introduced might slow down production speeds, leading to operational delays and increased costs. Furthermore, improperly configured systems could face premature wear and tear, necessitating frequent maintenance or replacements. In critical applications, these shortcomings not only translate to financial losses but can also pose serious safety risks and jeopardize mission-critical tasks.”

The patented Hybrid Hexapod® was developed by ALIO to address the critical weaknesses of conventional legacy hexapod designs, as well as the weaknesses of stacked serial stages, and to achieve nanometer-level accuracy, repeatability, and high-integrity flatness and straightness during motion.  It utilizes a tripod parallel kinematics structure to deliver Z plane and tip/tilt motion, integrated with a monolithic serial kinematic structure for XY motion.  A rotary stage integrated into the top of the tripod (or underneath it, depending on application needs) provides 360-degree continuous Theta Z rotation.  In this hybrid design, individual axes can be customized to provide travel ranges from millimeters to over one meter, while maintaining nanometer-levels of precision.

However, Bill Hennessey, CEO of ALIO Industries doesn’t look pleased. “I think that maybe the use of the words precision and accuracy by companies working in the motion control sector should be banned. They are meaningless words unless qualified, and even when qualified, can still mean nothing. I see companies claiming, ‘high precision’, ‘best accuracy possible’, ‘ultra precision’. What do these phrases mean to an end-user? How useful are they? Are they just marketing speak, or do they have a currency in industry? Nothing, not at all, and no I’d say!! At ALIO we talk of nanometer-level repeatability, accuracy and precision which actually means something, and as such the use of our motion control solutions in industry grows exponentially.”

The source of Hennessey’s disquiet is that he has positioned ALIO Industries as the world’s only provider of true nanometer-level motion control solutions, and with the Hybrid Hexapod, for example, has developed a technology that exhibits such True Nano Precision® that existing industry validation standards are useless, and a set of new standards based on ALIO’s Point Precision® methodology is being developed by NIST.

“You see, when discussing precision and accuracy, when it comes to motion control there are too many variables that are not fully understood by customers, and which technology suppliers are fully aware of and swerve in their marketing and communications, using data that flatters to deceive, or deceives completely”, Hennessey continues.

“In many ways, the most accurate end of the motion control market is quite a confusing place to be, as the handful of extremely accurate motion systems suppliers tend to use non-consistent and often illusory ways of describing the levels of precision that they can attain. ALIO has always worked in the area of nanometer-level motion control, and as such has a unique perspective on what really works when looking for this level of precision. Because of this, and with the Hybrid Hexapod® very much front and center, we have focussed on educating the customer base to navigate alternative solutions, and give them the tools to interrogate solutions providers in such a way that they can secure a motion control technology suited to their specific applications.

The Hybrid Hexapod had been a game changer for enabling new and novel processes.”

ALIO Industries believes that any claim of precision or accuracy must be first meaningful, and second provable. When looking at motion control solutions such as the Hybrid Hexapod, this is vital, as in common with all hexapods it is a motion control technology that operates with 6 degrees of freedom (DOF), and operates in 3-dimensional space. Because of this the conversation needs to move toward volumetric accuracy.

Despite this, all 6-DOF motion control solutions suppliers are characterised by performance data of a single degree of freedom. This practice leaves error sources unaccounted for in several degrees of freedom, especially in the areas of flatness and straightness, which are critical precision needs at the nanometer-level.  The traditional hexapod’s best flatness and straightness of travel is still no more precise than in the order of magnitude of tens of microns per axis. 

Because hexapods have six independently controlled links joined together moving a common platform, the motion error of the platform will be a function of the errors of ALL links and joints.  Hexapods are known to have optimum accuracy and repeatability when performing Z-axis moves, because all links perform the same motion at the same relative link angle.  However, when any other X, Y, pitch, yaw or roll motion is commanded, accuracy and geometric path performance of the hexapod degrades substantially because all links are performing different motions. 

It is generally accepted that hexapods have relatively good stiffness compared to serial stacked multi-axis systems.  However, it is often only the hexapod’s “Z” (vertical) stiffness that is considered.  Geometric design stiffness has a critical impact on and hexapod’s platform repeatability and rigidity.  A lack of design stiffness relates directly to a weak XY plane stiffness with the conventional hexapod working platform.  Moreover, this inherent design flaw of the conventional hexapod negatively affects XY axis performance, especially with thermal bonding or machining applications that require more force to be performed accurately within the XY plane.

Hennessey continues, “Traditional hexapod providers are aware of these issues, but instead of confronting them, mask the inefficiencies inherent in the system by throwing meaningless precision claims at the situation or not drawing attention to them at all. One for example makes accuracy claims that seem really good, but are in fact impossible to achieve on any 6-link architecture, and above all would be totally out of reach of any customer. The reason for this is that the precision specs that they quote only apply to single axis moves from the center / mid-stroke default position. Who would ever buy a 6 DOF hexapod to only use it one axis at a time at its center of travel?  The accuracy as you move to different positions and angles has to degrade probably by multiples of 5x to 10x.”

The Hybrid Hexapod® represents a quantum step forward in motion control, and for the first time provides the ability to achieve repeatable nano-level precision, stimulating innovation and promoting manufacturing efficiency previously considered impossible. It is redefining the area of precision motion control, and the rule book is having to be rewritten to accommodate it and to position it correctly against industry alternatives.

The level of precision achievable with the Hybrid Hexapod renders the vague and illusory industry standard claims of micron and sub-micron precision redundant, and has forced industry to move towards the concept of Point Precision®.

Point Precision® includes all 6 DOF of errors of each axis in motion, guaranteeing the precision point in the full work envelop, and allows for a “precision number” to be quoted based on an exact point on the wall (as if you used a laser pointer) whereas today’s standard only gives the measurement to the wall as if using a flood light. As a signifier of accuracy and precision today, Point Precision® truly is a must for many applications from laser processing to metrology.

6-D Laser, LLC (a member of ALIO Industries’ motion control and micromachining family of companies) has developed an integrated ultrafast laser micromachining system that combines high-speed galvo scanning with the novel positioning capabilities of ALIO’s Hybrid Hexapod®.

ALIO’s Hybrid Hexapod® takes a different approach to traditional 6 Degree of Freedom (6-DOF) positioning devices, and exhibits much higher performance at extremely competitive prices.  Rather than 6 independent legs (and 12 connection joints) ALIO’s approach combines a precision XY monolithic stage, tripod, and continuous rotation theta-Z axis to provide superior overall performance.

The combination of serial and parallel kinematics at the heart of ALIO’s 6-D Nano Precision® is characterized by orders-of-magnitude improvements (when compared to traditional hexapods) in precision, path performance, speed, and stiffness The Hybrid Hexapod® also has a larger work envelope than traditional hexapods with virtually unlimited XY travel and fully programmable tool center point locations. The Hybrid Hexapod® has less than 100 nm Point Precision® repeatability, in 3-dimensional space.

Introducing an integrated ultrafast laser micromachining system that combines the positioning capabilities of the Hybrid Hexapod®, with high-speed optical scanning leads to a system that can process hard, transparent materials with wide-range taper angle control for the creation of high aspect ratio features in thick substrates, without limitations on the feature or field size.

Ultrafast laser ablative processes, which remove material in a layer-by-layer process,  result in machined features that have a significant side wall taper. For example, a desired cylindrical hole will have a conical profile.  Taper formation is difficult to avoid in laser micromachining processes that are creating deep features (> 100 microns).  Precision scanheads can create features with near-zero angle side walls, however, they are limited to small angles of incidence (AOI) and small field sizes by the optics in the beamline. 6-D Laser’s micromachining system controls the AOI and resulting wall taper angle through the Hybrid Hexapod® motion system, and the programmable tool center point allows for the control of  the AOI over the entire galvo scan field, enabling the processing of large features.

Industry is driven today by the quest for the smaller parts and components often with sub-micron features, and more accurate, reliable, and repeatable manufacturing processes.

Crucial to many exacting applications requiring nanometer-level accuracy and repeatability are best-in-class motion control solutions.

ALIO is proud to have published this White Paper through the industry leading publication Laser Focus World.https://www.laserfocusworld.com/home/whitepaper/14…

This White Paper reviews the top-end motion control solution available for a broad range of industry applications in terms of accuracy and repeatability (the Hybrid Hexapod®). It also reviews what customers requiring nanometer-level motion control solutions should demand of and look for in their chosen supplier, and analyzes in depth a new methodology which for the first time allows levels of validation of precision hitherto impossible.

This new methodology — Point Precision® — shines a light on the deficiencies inherent in traditional standards for motion control, and also highlights the confusion that some motion control solution suppliers cause by stating resolution credentials that have absolutely nothing to do with precision. 

Industry is driven today by the quest for the smaller parts and components often with sub-micron features, and more accurate, reliable, and repeatable manufacturing processes. Crucial to many exacting applications requiring nanometer-level accuracy and repeatability are best-in-class motion control solutions. This article will look at the top-end solution in terms of accuracy and repeatability, and the applications that benefit from a motion control solution that has achieved quantum-sized improvements in the precision achievable across numerous applications.

Walter Silvesky, Vice President of Sales, ALIO Industries

Discussion of the most precise motion control solutions inevitably leads to a focus on the numerous hexapod options that are available to industry today. However, it is easy for manufacturers to be confused as to the real accuracy and repeatability of these motion control systems through a mixture of supplier hyperbole, and also in truth, a standardization and regulation environment that is not geared up to truly and effectively differentiate between precise, very precise, ultra-precise, and nanometer precise alternatives.

Precision is by its very nature a vague term, it means one thing to one person, one to another, and the lack of “precision” when using the word “precision” allows for at the best unhelpful, and at the worst deceptive claims to be made by motion control solution providers.

This article is written from the perspective that precision means nanometer precision, an accuracy measurement that is only relevant in industrial applications if it is 100% repeatable, not something that can be achieved 20% of the time. It is in the production of nanometer precision and highly repeatable motion control solutions that ALIO has existed since its inception nearly 20 years ago, making it unique in the motion control sector.

The Ultimate in Nanometer-Precise Motion Control

The latest addition to the range of ALIO Industries’ motion control solutions is the patented Hybrid Hexapod®. Traditional hexapod users face numerous restrictions in travel range, speed, and precision – factors that must be optimal to improve production processes and achieve the levels of efficiency and precision demanded by industry today. With the next generation of motion control devices exemplified by the Hybrid Hexapod®, manufacturers can achieve sub-micron and nano-levels of precision and increased accuracy.

Traditional hexapod structures are based purely on parallel motion. A Hybrid Hexapod® achieves its movement through the combination of both parallel and serial kinematic structures. Rather than using six legs to create motion, it uses a traditional X-Y stage, a tripod, and a rotation stage to provide 6 degrees of freedom (6DOF) in the device. The tripod’s parallel kinematic structure delivers Z-plane and tip/tilt motion, which is integrated with a monolithic serial kinematic structure for X- and Y- motion.

This combination removes previous application limitations and positioning errors synonymous with traditional hexapods. With the Hybrid Hexapod®, the precision of serial kinematics combined with the flexibility and compactness of a parallel kinematic device allows users to have all of the strengths of a 6DOF hexapod with none of its critical weaknesses.  This key differentiator of the Hybrid Hexapod® opens the door for using a 6DOF positioner in a wide range of applications not previously considered possible. The Hybrid Hexapod® is therefore a true blue ocean technology, allowing manufacturers to achieve the impossible and stimulating innovation at every level.

The levels of precision and repeatability that characterize the Hybrid Hexapod® are such that existing standards for verifying precision accuracy and repeatability are not adequate. These inadequate existing standards give some motion control solution suppliers the latitude to claim nanometer accuracy, as they were basically designed for a 2D world.

ALIO Industries is working with NIST to improve this situation and give manufacturers confidence in the accuracy and repeatability claims being made. The company is doing this through the development of the measurement standard known as Point Precision®. Point Precision® gives a precision value that considers all 6 possible sources of error, or in other words a true 3D representation. The current standards can only represent precision one dimension at a time and make assumptions in linear repeatability and accuracy that the motion of a stage is straight and flat with all datapoints falling along an ideal line and ignoring the other five possible error sources.  The current standards can measure the pitch, yaw, roll, straightness and flatness but without any consolidation of these error sources it is impossible for a user to get a result from the data where each of these error values is integrated which is where the significance of the Point Precision® becomes obvious.

Applications of the Hybrid Hexapod®

Using Point Precision® to “prove” the absolute precision, accuracy and reliability attainable through use of the Hybrid Hexapod®, opens up a vast array of applications for which it is now seen as the “go-to” motion control solution.

The umbrella under which all these applications sit is a requirement for nanometer-level control repeatably, with many of the applications involved rendered unfit for purpose if such motion control cannot be achieved. Here we will touch upon some of the key areas where manufacturers are using the Hybrid Hexapod®.

In general terms, aerospace users often incorporate the Hybrid Hexapod® in metrology systems. In precision optical elements, the tool can characterize, test, or measure optical components, and optical subassemblies. In precision assembly applications such as in the joining of optical image stabilization (OIS) modules to ultra-high resolution CCD arrays the Hybrid Hexapod® can serve as the motion device that manipulates the OIS module in 6DOF space in the alignment and bonding process.  The high accuracy of the Hybrid Hexapod® decreases assembly time as the OIS can be properly placed into a package without any time-consuming post alignment measurements and re-alignment steps.

Active alignment of 4k lenses. 4K lenses require extraordinarily advanced material technologies, highly sophisticated manufacturing techniques, and precision assembly practices.  Tolerance concerns in all degrees of freedom are paramount. Often the manufacturing techniques used to make the lenses result in positional inaccuracies, and this is where active alignment comes into the picture. The lens and sensor are aligned while projecting multiple targets through the lens and onto the sensor while the sensor is imaging. The active alignment machine continually monitors the modulation transfer function (MTF) at each of the target images until all MTF values are within acceptable limits.  When all MTF values are sound, pre-applied adhesive is partially cured using UV, with complete thermal cure performed later. This allows the sensor to be aligned extremely accurately to the appropriate lens image plane. The absolute precision and repeatability of the Hybrid Hexapod® makes it ideally suited for control in such precision-oriented applications.

Fiber optic alignment. One of the most challenging tasks in photonics assembly is the positioning and alignment of optical fibers and components. Nanometer accuracy, exceptional resolution and extremely high stability are required when coupling laser light with the core of an optical fiber. Manufacturers of such items as lasers, amplifiers, connectors, filters, receivers, switches and other fiber optic components and modules need to minimize the amount of signal loss that occurs across the component-to-component or component-to-fiber junction. If alignment of the optical fiber and component is off just slightly, the product will be rendered useless. With packaging accounting for upwards of 50% of the cost of optical components, that’s something manufacturers simply can’t afford, and because of this, the Hybrid Hexapod® is routinely used to provide nanometer-level motion control for fiber optic alignment applications.

Metrology of optics and other complex shapes. Throughout the world, various types of metrology applications share a common need for increased precision. Markets such as life science, semiconductor, and electronics manufacturing rely on metrology instrumentation to ensure their process is completed correctly. The need for precision is further underscored when you realize the samples/products can be extremely small (i.e. human cell) as well as highly sensitive (i.e. touch-screen electronics). Having high precision, motion technology is key to ensure the application will be completed successfully, and hence the common use of the Hybrid Hexapod® to achieve such levels of required accuracy and repeatability in metrology applications.

Laser ablation processes. Laser ablation works by focusing a laser onto a substrate to remove material that is on its surface. The amount that is removed depends on the intensity, pulse length, and wavelength of the laser, as well as the material itself. Laser ablation has many benefits over more traditional methods which are often costly multi-step processes that are by their very nature time-consuming and inflexible. Laser ablation is a much more efficient, reliable and cost-effective method. Precision laser ablative processes require control of a combination of a number of motion characteristics, and the repeatable nanometer accuracy of the Hybrid Hexapod® coupled with the ability to give customers confidence of motion control in 3D through the use of Point Precision is key. Customers typically use the Hybrid Hexapod® for the laser ablation of silicon and glass. 

Optics beamline assembly. In accelerator physics, a beamline refers to the trajectory of the beam of accelerated particles, including the overall construction of the path segment (guide tubes, diagnostic devices) along a specific path of an accelerator facility. This part is either the line in a linear accelerator along which a beam of particles travels, or the path leading from particle generator to the experimental end-station (as in synchrotron light sources, cyclotrons, or spallation sources). Beamlines usually end in experimental stations that utilize particle beams or synchrotron light obtained from a synchrotron, or neutrons from a spallation source or research reactor. Beamlines are used in experiments in particle physics, materials science, chemistry, and molecular biology, but can also be used for irradiation tests or to produce isotopes. Hybrid Hexapods® are used in such applications where the need for nanometer precision is a must.

Semiconductor inspection and manufacturing. Nanometer positioning and stability is a must in semi-conductor applications , with motion control solutions often needing to be able to operate in clean-room or vacuum manufacturing environments. Nanometer motion control is required from the get go in any semi-conductor application, even being used to perform a number of necessary processes on the base raw material for all semi-conductor wafers (silicon) onto which integrated circuits are embedded. Silicon for semi-conductor applications must be free of any defects , and must then be modified, patterned, and coated to provide the complex final chips. All this requires hugely accurate and repeatable motion control, and with the demand always being for better, smaller, and stronger products year on year, it is obvious why the Hybrid Hexapod® is used in the semi-conductor industry to ensure exacting motion control requirements.

Smart phone and small part assembly. For a product to be assembled successfully, it’s essential to move the right parts, to the right place, in the right orientation, at the right time. Motion control technology makes that happen.  Populating circuit boards for smart phones and tablets, for example, places special demands when it comes to accuracy and speed, and demands the use of nanometer precision motion control solutions such as the Hybrid Hexapod®.

Precision CNC machining. The key advantage of using the Hybrid Hexapod® for any precision CNC machining operation is that it depends on mathematical algorithms not the mechanical relationship between components for accuracy and repeatability. The Hybrid Hexapod® allows CNC spindles to be driven almost in freeform fashion, allowing the manufacture of parts with geometric complexity impossible on conventional machining equipment. Tools can be directed in any plane required and with a huge reduction in the need to move the actual part being machined. With the hexapod, the tool never needs to leave the part being machined which also promotes better surface finish. The Hybrid Hexapod® is the most rigid and accurate hexapod on the market today, and while standard hexapods claim accuracy in the micron area, the Hybrid Hexapod® boasts nanometer repeatable precision for precision CNC machining applications.

MEMS assembly. Sophisticated motion control technologies such as the Hybrid Hexapod® enable MEMs manufacturers to make devices previously deemed impossible. Motion control and assembly issues are a barrier to MEMS development, and are overcome by the Hybrid Hexapod®. With its 6DOF, the Hybrid Hexapod® is able to perform important manufacturing and testing operations in MEMs fabrication, and is a spur to innovation and new MEMs product development.


The ability to control motion with nanometer repeatability elevates motion control to an enabling technology that stimulates innovation and new product development. ALIO exists in this environment and, through nanometer performing solutions such as the Hybrid Hexapod®, is finding uses at the cutting edge of numerous applications across various industry sectors.